BRICS Network University is a union of higher education institutions of the five BRICS member countries, formed with the objective of enhancing educational cooperation in general, and especially in the realm of research and innovation. IIT Bombay is the lead institution of India for the BRICS Network University.
Website: http://infobrics.org/
The Russian BRICS Chair for the International Governing Board (IGB) of the BRICS Network University (NU) scheduled virtually on May 16, 2024 via videoconference. From IIT Bombay, the Dean of International Relation Prof. Sudarshan Kumar have attended the meeting along with Prof. Rajiv O. Dusane.
The working meeting with the representatives of the BRICS members responsible for education track was held virtually on April 16, 2024. This meeting was dedicated to introducing the new BRICS member states, presenting the Calendar of activities and initiatives, informing in detail about the BRICS IGB Meeting, BRICS Education Senior Officials and Ministerial Meetings. From IIT Bombay, the Dean of International Relation Prof. Sudarshan Kumar have attended the meeting.
The International Thematic Group (ITG) initiated organizing a Permanent research workshop named "Foundations for a Green Sustainable Energy" from the year 2024. It's 1st series is scheduled on April 10, 2024 for PhD students, young researchers, and colleagues working in the field of "Microgrid and Electrical Power Engineering".
2023 BRICS NU Seminar on "Mobilising Global Knowledge and Research Networks for Inclusive and Sustainable Development" held on July 5, 2023. IIT Bombay participated and the Dean of International Relations Prof. Amit Agrawal shared the views on the topic.
IIT Bombay hosted a three day virtual conference of BRICS Network universities during June 16-18, 2021. This conference is part of the engagement that India hosted under the education stream as chair of the 13th BRICS Summit in 2021. Eighteen experts from Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa talked about various aspects of electric mobility like traffic management, hydrogen technology, hybrid vehicles, lithium-ion batteries, and linkage between e-mobility and livelihoods in the conference.