For Conference Organizer

Information for IIT Bombay personnel to hold International Conferences, etc. and visit of foreigners


The ORGANIZERS of International conferences, seminars, workshops, etc., have to obtain the following clearances:

(i) Administrative approval of the Nodal Ministry.

(ii) Event clearance from Ministry of Home Affairs.
(required only in respect of the cases covered in para 5 of the MHA Office Memorandum 25022/62/2010-F (CC) dt Aug 16, 2010, download circular)

(iii) Political clearance from Ministry of External Affairs.

(iv) Clearance from the concerned State Government.

Faculty members planning to organize international conferences, seminars, workshops etc, should take the necessary action as regards obtaining clearances from the above mentioned authorities.

For obtaining clearance for holding the international conference, etc., four copies of the proposal (download format) have to be sent by the organizer, with a covering letter (on the Institute letterhead) signed by the organizer & countersigned by the Head, to the Registrar, along with a copy of the Director’s approval for the conference.

This proposal has to be sent to each of the following authorities:

Joint Secretary (Addl.charge)
Bureau of Technical Education
Ministry of Human Resource Development
Department of Higher Education
Shastri Bhavan, New Delhi- 110 001
Ph: 011-23387781
Fax: 011-23388492

Section Officer (CC)
Ministry of Home Affairs
Foreigners Division
Jaisalmer house, 26, Mansingh Road
New Delhi 110 011
Ph: 011-23385748

Joint Secretary (Coordination Division)
Ministry of External Affairs
South Block, New Delhi 110 011
Ph: 011- 23012987, 23017223,
Fax:011- 23012328

Additional Chief Secretary, Foreigners Division
Mantralaya, Mumbai 400 032
Ph: 22029959

The proposal may be sent atleast 6 months prior to holding the event.

In addition, the personal particulars (download format) of the participants (from Afghanishtan, China, Iran, Pakistan, Iraq, Sudan, foreigners of Pakistani origin and stateless persons), planning to attend the event, has to be sent to Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) atleast 30 days prior to the commencement of the event. It is, however, advisable that the details may be sent to MHA as soon as the details are available.

Visit of foreigners:

Keep the Office of Dean-IR informed about the visit of foreign nationals (name, affiliation, date & purpose of visit) to your Department. This information can be emailed to:[AT]