
The Gay-Lussac Federation is a national network bringing together 20 engineering schools in chemistry and process engineering. Created in 1994, it is the oldest thematic network in the world of engineering schools in France. IIT Bombay is the lead institution of India for the FGL-IIT network.

Website: https://20ecolesdechimie.com/fgl-prepare-debut-de-lannee-universitaire-accord-cadre-memorandum-of-understanding-mou-linde/


  • A Network Meeting under the FGL-IIT network agreement being held during October 3-4, 2024 at IIT Bombay upon the agenda "Building and renewing the research collaborations between FGL-IITs". The FGL delegation comprises of 13 representatives participated in this meeting along with 18 representatives from different IITs. Read more, Media Link

PoC: Dr Pushpa Kumari